Chairman Wang Ga-seum's Management Diary Raw
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Chairman Wang Ga-seum's Management Diary Raw

Other Name: 왕가슴 회장님의 경영일지/tr

Chairman Wang Ga-seum's Management Diary Raw - Summary

In the hidden will of his father, the former president, he wrote that he should keep Yoo Jae-hyuk of the development team close to him. The contents were written. He had very extraordinary abilities Jeon Ji-hye takes control of the company and is of great help in growing sales… 전대 회장인 아버지의 숨겨둔 유서에는 개발팀의 유재혁을 가까이 두고 써보라는 내용이 적혀 있었다. 그는 아주 탁월한 능력을 가지고 있었고 전지혜가 회사를 장악하고 매출을 성장시키는데 큰 도움을 주는데…
